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Starter code for the Duke project

Duke UI

Duke User Guide


  1. Overview

  2. Starting Duke

  3. Features Overview

  4. Usage

    4.1. Add a Task

     4.1.1. todo - Add a todo task
     4.1.2. deadline - Add a deadline task
     4.1.3. event - Add a event task

    4.2. Mark a Task as Done

    4.3. Delete a Task

    4.4. List all Tasks

    4.5. Find by Keyword

    4.6. Add Tag to a Task

    4.7. Exit Duke

1. Overview

Duke is a personal chatbot, meant to keep track of your personal tasks! For this particular chatbot, the overall themeing is a nod to Transistor by Supergiant Games. Images are taken from official in-game and promotional artworks

2. Starting Duke

  1. Download and locate the Duke program’s jar file in File Explorer.
  2. Open command line (via typing “cmd” in Windows search). Alternatively, run Terminal if you are on MacOS.
  3. Locate the jar file in command line or Terminal, and run the following command:

    java -jar duke-0.2.0.jar

3. Features Overview

  1. Add a Task
  2. Mark a Task as Done
  3. Delete a Task
  4. List all Tasks
  5. Find by Keyword
  6. Add Tag to a Task
  7. Exit Duke

4. Usage

4.1. Add a Task

There are three types of tasks available, with the following commands:

  1. todo
  2. deadline
  3. event

4.1.1. todo - Add a todo task

A to-do task is one with only task details.

Format: todo <description>

Example of usage:todo retrieve the Transistor

Expected outcome: Todo UI

4.1.2. deadline - Add a deadline task

A deadline task is one with task details as well as a “do by” date. Note that the backslash “/” is required.

Format: deadline <details> </yyyy-mm-dd>

Example of usage: deadline Climb Bracket Towers /2020-05-20

Expected outcome: Deadline UI

4.1.3. event - Add an event task

An event task is one with task details as well as a “do at” date. Note that the backslash “/” is required.

Format: event <details> </yyyy-mm-dd>

Example of usage: event Performance at the Empty Set/2020-05-18 Expected outcome: Event UI

4.2. Mark a Task as Done

By providing an index, the task with that index will be marked as done, indicated with a tick symbol.

Format: done <index>

Example of usage: done 2

Expected outcome: Done UI

4.3. Delete a Task

By providing an index, the task with that index in the task list will be deleted.

Format: delete <index>

Example: delete 2

Expected outcome: Delete UI

4.4. List All Tasks

Lists out all tasks currently in Duke, along with a reference index.

Format: list

Expected outcome: List UI

4.5. Find by Keyword

By providing a keyword, all tasks containing that keyword will be found and listed out.

Format: find <description>

Example: find Towers

Expected outcome: Find UI

4.6. Add Tag to a Task

By providing an index and a phrase, the task with that index will be tagged with the phrase.

Format: tag <index> <tag details>

Example: tag 4 sea monster

Expected outcome: Tag UI

4.7. Exit Duke

Once you’re done, you can exit Duke. Any task data in Duke will be saved, so next time you run Duke you can continue where you left off!

Format: bye

Expected outcome: Bye UI